Yearly Preparation begins early in the calendar year, culminating with the celebration of Confirmation in early Fall.
The Initial Confirmation Preparation Interview is designed to determine where the youth are on their faith journey as they begin their Confirmation process, as well as their willingness and desire to commit to the process. The youth should be able to have an intelligent conversation on the Discussion Topics during their interview (see below).
1. The Youth must
Be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
Be a baptized Catholic
*A copy of his or her Baptism certificate must accompany the “Request for Interview Form”* It will be verified before proceeding.
Have received First Holy Eucharist (Communion).
Be a practicing member of Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community, participating in Mass regularly with his or her household, especially on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
2. The Family needs to be:
Registered in our parish data base with all the following information current:
Email address which is checked often
Physical address
Primary family phone number
Receiving and using the CGS FAMILY Guides with his/her family (they are sent out each week by email).
Who is Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus Christ to you? Do you feel you have a relationship with Him? How important is this relation to you?
Prayer – What is it? Why is it Important? Does your family pray together at home?
Know 5 basic prayers: The Sign of the Cross / Our Father / Hail Mary / Glory Be / Act of Contrition – any version
How often do you say a prayer of thanksgiving for all God has given you?
Do you go to Mass? Where? When? How often? Why?
Do you go to Youth nights? How often? Why?
What (Who) is the Eucharist? How important is receiving the Eucharist to you?
Do you have a Bible? What is your favorite Old Testament Story? Why? What is your favorite Parable in the New Testament? What do you think Jesus is teaching us in this Parable?
Name the four Gospels. Where are they located in the Bible?
Be able to name and discuss the seven sacraments.
Be able to discuss the Creed that we profess at every Mass.
What is an examination of conscience? What merit is there in doing an Examination of Conscience? What is the difference between an accident, a venial sin, and a mortal sin?
In your own words, what is the Sacrament of Confirmation? Why is this sacrament important to you? Do you want to prepare and receive Confirmation this year?