Let us know how we can help you: 281-376-6831.
If you have unique items you’d like to sell to the community and have a great time doing it, come join the fun and sign up to be a craft vendor at Christ the Good Shepherd’s Fall Festival!
When: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 11:00am – 6:00pm
Where: Christ the Good Shepherd
18511 Klein Church Road
Spring, TX 77379
Booth space provided is 10’ x 10’.
$125 tier includes:
· One (1) 8’ table and two (2) chairs
· Reserved space under provided tent
· Electricity
· Space is limited!
$100 tier includes:
· One (1) 8’ table and two (2) chairs
· Reserved space under provided tent
· NO electricity
$75 tier includes:
· One (1) 8’ table and two (2) chairs
· NO reserved space under provided tent: You will need to bring your own tent.
· NO electricity
To reserve your space or if you have questions, please contact Kathy Kelley at fallfestival@cgscc.church. Deadline is October 4, 2024. Thank you for your support!