Let us know how we can help you: 281-376-6831.
The Altar Server Ministry is open to parishioners from Second Grade through Adult who assist during the celebration of Mass and other liturgical events. Servers aid the celebrant with the sacred vessels, liturgical books, incense, and lighting of candles. We offer Altar Server training several times a year for interested parishioners. All Altar Servers must have received their First Communion. For more information, click HERE.
Lectors proclaim the Old Testament and New Testament readings at Mass and the General Intercessions if a deacon is not present. At daily Mass, when there is no music, they also proclaim the Responsorial Psalm after the Old Testament reading. Lectors must have completed all Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion).
The EMHCs help the priests and deacons to distribute Our Lord’s Body and Precious Blood to the congregation. This is an important ministry that requires a great commitment. In a parish of our size, EMHC are vital partners in ministry and without them the distribution of Holy Communion would take much longer. EMHCs are scheduled regularly and are expected to find a substitute if they cannot attend the Mass they are scheduled for.
At CGS, Greeters and Ushers are combined into one ministry. As a Greeter, all you need is a smile and a word of welcome! The purpose of the ministry to offer a message of “belonging” to first-time visitors as well as to our faithful parish community. Ushers are in many ways the quiet backbone of our liturgies. They help people to their seats, seek help if someone gets sick, take the offertory collection, monitor the Gathering Space, and hand out the bulletins after Mass.
The Sacristan ensures the liturgies are conducted with the utmost reverence, glorifying Our God. This is accomplished by the Sacristan ensuring that all ministry positions are staffed, liturgical items are properly placed, and church areas are set to standards prior to the start of Mass. In addition, the Sacristan ensures that all parties (Presider, Deacon, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lectors, and Hospitality Ministers) are aware of any special occurrences during the Mass.
The CGS Multimedia Ministry helps to provide a variety of technology services to the parishioners of our parish. At the moment, the primary role of the Multimedia Ministry is to livestream Mass at CGS on Sundays. The Multimedia Ministry works to provide worship opportunities to those who are unable to attend Mass at CGS in person. For more information, click HERE.
The Altar Linen Ministry is made up of volunteers who wash, iron, and clean linens. Two people per week needed. Volunteers are scheduled on a quarterly basis. This is a great and much needed at-home ministry.
The Funeral Ministry is made up of teams who assist the priest, deacon, or family as the community gathers to support a member during the funeral vigil and Mass. We are especially in need of ministers who speak Spanish.
Members of the Art and Environment ministry work “behind the scenes” to enhance the celebration of the Eucharist through thoughtful planning and execution of church decorations that reflect the liturgical seasons and special church events.
After a funeral Mass, volunteers lend comfort to a family by serving a meal. This effort is led by a team of volunteers who donate side dishes and desserts and assist in set-up, serving, and clean-up of the meal. We are in the process of rebuilding this ministry. If you are interested in helping, please reach out.